Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mod 4

Ill be posting the colored one tomorrow. Sorry about the hand writing...never really been good at it haha. Me and my friend Evan Maroun are going to be making are own comic...may not be the best in the world but whatever it will be fun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

panel 11

this is my 11th panel for the strip...i know i was supposed to only do 5 or 6 but i really got into it. i havent put this much effort into all my drawings. I liked how this panel looked. my hand is shaking for some ummm was just wondering if u guys had any feed back for me. i really like the idea for a i may just keep going on this idea haha.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Self portrait

 I decided to use more yellows and hot colors. I used a weird peach-ish yellow color for the base of my skin. For highlights i just simply used a brighter yellow and orange. I kind of drew my face slimmer than it should be and the nose is a bit off. The lines were actually much lighter, so i decided to darken them up. I made a face because I had just walked home from school in the pouring rain...and it wasn't like one of those cool scenes from a was cold and snowy and it wasn't much fun...

plague doctor mask

 Something I've been working on in my independent art class. It fits which is pretty cool. its not done yet. I'm going to add some modeling paste to flatten it out a bit. and then I'm going to paint and varnish it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

module 3 assignment

 I extremely like Tony Moore's art because its almost always black and white. But the realism and detail is amazing to me, and his art inspires me. Tony Moore is the guy who drew the art for the first couple comic books of "The Walking Dead" series

 Like i said I love Tim Burton(...but not love love). I love how creepy and sort of demented and twisted his drawings are. There kind of doodles which is really cool.
This last artist is Jay Scott Campbell. I really like how sharp his lines are. I also like how he scribbles in where he wants color. its something i do...because i hate to color.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Canterbury Tales

I had this English project to do about the canterbury tales...really not sure if I'm spelling it right lol. But you asked for more than 1 character and for them to be interacting. I wish i worked on some of the lighting. I'll probably work on it a bit more.